

Runnables communicate among each other and with the hardware using Signals. Within the Signal-Layer those Signals are organized.


Inline USER

Signals (6)

All signals in this signal-layer.

Signal Type Storage Runnables OUT Runnables IN Tasks SystemStates Requirements miminum Age maximum Age Checksum Force Sync Inline ISR API effective inline SIL req SIL ach Initial value (D) Pointer access (D) Datatype (D) Alt-In (D) Alt-Out (D) In-Driver (D) Out-Driver (D) OnData (D) OnError (D) OnTrigger (E)

Hardware interface for the LED

Data local in
0 0 false false false false false - QM 0 false uRTE_boolean_t

Hardware interface for the button

Data local in
0 2 false false false false false - QM false false uRTE_boolean_t

Hardware Out interface for UART.
No Signal-Datatype will be defined so that a typedef will be generated into the signal configuration.
Pointer access is granted so signal memory can be used directly by the application.

Data local in
0 0 false false false false false QM QM true undefined

A representation of the current button state

Data local in
0 105 false false false false false SIL_1 QM false false uRTE_boolean_t

contains the number of seconds, the button has been pressed

Data global in
0 202 true false false false false QM QM 0 false button_cnt_t

Fired whenever the button is pressed (but not if it is released)

Event local in
0 0 false false false false false QM QM - - - - - - - - -

Signal Pools (1)

All signal-pools in the signal-layer.

Pool SIL Signals Tasks Storage Inline SIL

Global signals related to the button

QM .button USER QM