UART module connected to pin TX/RX PA2/PA3 at 115200 8N1
UART module connected to pin TX/RX PA2/PA3 at 115200 8N1
Required | |
SIL derived | - |
overwrite (SIL_manual) | derived |
reason (SIL_manual_reason) | |
SIL | - |
Achieved | |
SIL achieved | QM |
justification |
Base | |
Name | USART |
Type | Periphery |
Description | UART module connected to pin TX/RX PA2/PA3 at 115200 8N1 |
User-ID | Periphery_8 |
Addressing | |
Start | USART2_BASE |
End | USART3_BASE - 1 |
Ports | |
Technical Functions referencing to this Periphery.
Function | LFB | Software | Hardware | Technical Functions | sub Technical Functions | Requirements | sub Requirements |
If the button is pressed, UART messages indicating the press duration are sent. |
Drivers which utilize this component or one of its sub-components.
Unit | Parent | Function calls | Technical Functions | Requirements | Type | Tasks | WCET | Stack | ROM | Globals | ProtectionSets | SIL req | SIL ach | Signals | Runnables | DataType | Is Synchronous | Hardware |
writes Data to the UART module. |
UART | OutDriver | 0 | 0 | 0 | - | QM | None | true |
ProtectionSets referencing this component or one of its sub-components. See Output Sections for more ProtectionSets.
ProtectionSet | Globals | OutputSections | Hardware | Software Units | Tasks |
Contains the resources to use the UART module |
Tasks using this Periphery or one of its sub-components.
Task | Core | SIL | Priority | Software | States | Signals | Init | Hardware | OutputSections | Own TimeBase | Stack |
Task responsible for sending out UART protocolls |
Arm® Cortex®-M4 | SIL_1 | 5 | - | false | .rtos.task.UART |