

UART out

writes Data to the UART module.
No DataType is chosen, so that a typedef file will be generated.



SIL derived -
overwrite (SIL_manual) derived
reason (SIL_manual_reason)
SIL achieved QM


NameUART out
Type OutDriver

writes Data to the UART module. No DataType is chosen, so that a typedef file will be generated.

software unit configuration
Parent UART
Stack 0
driver configuration
DataType No datatype was defined for this driver. A driver specific type definition was generated.
Is Synchronous true

Hardware Components (1)

Hardware the driver communicates with.

Component Type Start End SIL req SIL ach Sub-Components Technical Functions sub Technical Functions Requirements sub Requirements

UART module connected to pin TX/RX PA2/PA3 at 115200 8N1

Periphery USART2_BASE USART3_BASE - 1 - QM

Functional Layer

Technical Functions (1)

Technical functions referencing to OutDriver UART out.

Function LFB Software Hardware Technical Functions sub Technical Functions Requirements sub Requirements

If the button is pressed, UART messages indicating the press duration are sent.

Software Layer

Data-Signals (1)

Signals using OutDriver UART out.

Signal Storage Runnables OUT Runnables IN Tasks SystemStates Requirements miminum Age maximum Age Checksum Force Sync Inline ISR API effective inline SIL req SIL ach Initial value (D) Pointer access (D) Datatype (D) Alt-In (D) Alt-Out (D) In-Driver (D) Out-Driver (D) OnData (D) OnError (D)

Hardware Out interface for UART.
No Signal-Datatype will be defined so that a typedef will be generated into the signal configuration.
Pointer access is granted so signal memory can be used directly by the application.

local in
0 0 false false false false false QM QM true undefined

Runnables (1)

Runnables which use In- OR Out-signals with which OutDriver UART out is associated

Unit Parent Function calls Technical Functions Requirements Type Tasks WCET Stack ROM Globals ProtectionSets SIL req SIL ach sub Technical Functions sub Requirements) Has a return value SystemStates Ingoing Trigger Ports Outgoing Trigger Ports Ingoing Data Ports Outgoing Data Ports

Sends UART messages periodically via the UART signal

Runnable 0 0 0
  • Runnable_run_UART_send_TPortIN_1
  • Runnable_run_UART_send_DPortIN_1
  • Runnable_run_UART_send_DPortIN_2
  • Runnable_run_UART_send_UART_OUT

Hardware Layer

Hardware Components (2)

Hardware OutDriver UART out is associated with. Including executing CPUs, hardware referenced by its protectionSets and its direct hardware references.

Component Type Start End SIL req SIL ach Sub-Components Technical Functions sub Technical Functions Requirements sub Requirements

Arm® 32-bit Cortex®-M4 CPU with FPU, Adaptive real-time accelerator (ART Accelerator) allowing 0-wait state execution from Flash memory, frequency up to 180 MHz, MPU, 225 DMIPS/1.25 DMIPS/MHz (Dhrystone 2.1), and DSP instructions

Core - - - QM

UART module connected to pin TX/RX PA2/PA3 at 115200 8N1

Periphery USART2_BASE USART3_BASE - 1 - QM