
Requirement - Requirement_32

LED Blink

In order to indicate that uRTE is up and running, an LED shall blink (toggle its binary state) with an frequency of 1/100ms.



NameLED Blink
Type Requirement

In order to indicate that uRTE is up and running, an LED shall blink (toggle its binary state) with an frequency of 1/100ms.

AuthorThomas Barth
Creation DateTue Jun 07 13:05:57 CEST 2022
Start Date
ResponsibeThomas Barth

Tests (1)

References to the tests for this requirement

Test User-ID Group Priority Status Procedure and Input-Data Expected Results SIL Requirements Technical-Functions Software-Units Signals Global variables Activation-Events Hardware-Components

The LED has to blink with a frequency of 1/100ms.

Test_132 0 implemented Regular power-on without user-input A blinking LED
Associated Implementation

Technical Functions (1)

Technical functions this requirement is mapped to

Function LFB Software Hardware Technical Functions sub Technical Functions Requirements sub Requirements

An LED shall blink to indicate that the system is alive and responding.

Software units (1)

Software-Components this requirement is mapped to.

Unit Parent Function calls Technical Functions Requirements Type Tasks WCET Stack ROM Globals ProtectionSets SIL req SIL ach sub Technical Functions (R) sub Requirements (R) Has a return value (R) SystemStates (R) Ingoing Trigger Ports (R) Outgoing Trigger Ports (R) Ingoing Data Ports (R) Outgoing Data Ports (R) Signals (D) Runnables (D) DataType (D) Is Synchronous (D) Hardware (D) Ports (G) Callers (F) Return Type (F) Parameters (F)

Controls the LED signal and thus the LED

Runnable 0 0 0
- QM false
  • Runnable_00_blink_Tick
  • Runnable_blink_Button_IN
  • Runnable_00_blink_OUT
- - - - - - - - -

Activation-Events (1)

Activation events this requirement is mapped to

Event Type Cycle Time (C) Offset (C) Task-Init (S) Requirements Ports Runnables Tasks SystemStates SIL req SIL ach

The timebase for the LED logic. Has an bit of offset to make sure it comes after the button has been read (button value is polled).

CyclicEvent 100 2 -
  • Runnable_00_blink_Tick in run_LED
- QM
(Safety)Requirement dependencies

(Safety)Requirements refined by (1)

(Safety)Requirements refined by this Requirement.

(Safety)Requirement Parent User-ID Author Creation Date Start Date Deadline Expense Responsibe Category Type Status Function Type SIL derived SIL manual SIL effective Tests Technical Functions Software Hardware Signals Global variables Activation events Use-Cases User-Stories Refining Conflicting refined by conflicted by

The LED on the Nucelo Board shall act as an simple demo.

Requirement_94 Thomas Barth Wed Jun 08 17:23:11 CEST 2022 0.0 Thomas Barth product non_functional implemented - - - -

Functional Layer

Logical Function Blocks (3)

Logical Function Blocks which map to a technical function which is directly linked by this Safety Requirement.

Function Type Technical functions

An binary HMI


The MCU implementing the logic


An LED to indicate a binary state
